Saturday, June 1, 2019

How does Shelley prepare us for the horror of Frankenstein’s creature? :: English Literature

How does Shelley prepargon us for the horror of Frankensteins creature?Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818. Shelley (the wife of poetPercy Shelley) first got inspiration for her retain in Geneva. There shestayed with her husband, Lord Byron and a few others. They were allchallenged to write a ghost paper during a hellish storm. Though shedid write a story it was a forgettable on. The real inspiration cameon June 22nd, the night before Shelleys departure. The groupdiscussed a subject from de Staels De LAllemagne where theyconsidered whether the normal of life could be discovered andwhether scientists could be discovered and whether scientists couldgalvanize a corpse of manufactured humanoid.This was the true inspiration for Shelley and the next morning she hadfound her story and began writing the lines that opened Chapter 5 Itwas a dreary night in NovemberThe alternative name for this novel is the modern day PrometheusThe original myth pen by Aeschylus, was about a man namedP rometheus that tried to create life by manipulating a human out ofclay. The two variations to myth merged unitedly and fire became thecompound used to animate the objects/images. This myth can be comparedwith Frankenstein because the elements, fire and electricity used toanimate were said to me discovered by man. And in both the creatorswere punished, although god punished Prometheus. This is relevantbecause the myth points us in the direction the novel Frankensteinwill go and Shelley uses this as analogy for her story. Eventually theoverreaches onerous to defy nature will be punished.Shelley also alludes to Miltons paradise disconnected where if Frankensteinis compared to Adam in paradise lost then the reader finds they arequite similar. Both characters have a thirst for knowledge, which endin their downfall. Frankenstein is also like Satan in that bothcharacters wanted to surpass divinity Frankenstein may have wanted tobecome a greater scientist but he wants more power for sel fishambition just like Satan. Frankenstein wants to be the only personthat is able to create a human life and he wants to greater than hisnature, however Satan is punished in Paradise lost and this hints atFrankensteins fate and the direction of the novel.Mary Shelly signed the novel anonymously signifying that in society atthat time women werent very respected, in fact they were ostracized.Shelleys novel was shunned, a critic said the book had no principleor morals and should be dismissed with no win comment. In sciencereason and rationality were the biggest genres for the 18th century

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